Monday, September 19, 2005

Chiron in the Natal Chart

As man's technological expertise expands, so too does his 'complexity', and hopefully, so does his conscious awareness; and through that awareness, his capacity for compassion and love.

In comparatively recent years, astrologers have begun utilising points and celestial bodies other than the 7 traditional 'planets' in delineation of the natal chart.

Chiron is but one of those modern additions to the ever growing astrological alphabet.

It has been argued by some, that the use of additional points in delineation only repeats the information offered within the confines of traditional areas of the chart. To a certain extent, this may be true.

On the other hand, many astrologers through research and experience, have found the additional points are useful tools, bringing astrology's body of knowledge in line with man's evolutionary process, enabling the astrologer to glean further information as to the 'hidden' nature of his or her subject.

In practice, sometimes the information gleaned may indeed simply be a confirmation of what is shown in other areas of the natal chart. At many other times though, the new information can throw entirely new light on the specifics of character and the background against which that character has developed.

-The discoverer 'discovers' new things only when he is ready to accept them.

-The act of discovery then, heralds for the majority, a new dawning in awareness of ourselves and our place in the Universe ...


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