Monday, October 17, 2005

October 17, 2005 "Eclipse of the Moon"

The eclipse of the Moon has traditionally been viewed as a bad omen, for it can awaken irrational responses. Since the Moon governs domestic matters, the public and the emotional personality, rather than leadership, it tends to have a more personal effect than the solar eclipse, which plays a more outward, even political, role. As a rule, women and family are generally more affected by the lunar cycle, whereas men and politics are signified by the solar. This is not to say that women are not political animals, nor that men are distinct from the family, but that the private, nurturing side is more affected than the public, social and media driven arena, which even in the 21st Century is still primarily dominated by males, or at least by what might be described as masculine energies.

The partial lunar eclipse on October 17, 2005 occurs in Aries, the riotous sign of the Ram It will particularly affect people with cardinal signs strong in their charts (the cardinal signs are Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn).

This eclipse inclines us to have an unduly independent outlook on life, though it stimulates strong imaginative faculties and self-reliance. Highly emotional, even passionate relationships and experiences must express themselves – or there will be trouble, as people will be aggressive and lack forethought. Avoid changes of occupation and position through hasty decisions, or you're likely to regret them. Trouble through women is characteristic and the atmosphere is generally restless, irritable and impatient. Sexual relations under this lunation tend to be brief, intense encounters.

People with cardinal signs prominent in their charts will have a hard time separating their egos from their emotions, failing to recognise that something (or someone) they want may simply represent ego involvement, instead of emotional commitment. What we are called upon (or driven) to do may often interfere with what gives us emotional satisfaction, or we chase after our desires, while we waste or fail to develop our talents and skills.

Want Your Free Lunar Return Chart for 2005/2006? send me your email with your birthdate, place and time of birth. I will email you your free Chart within 24 hours.


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