Saturday, March 03, 2007

Lunar Phases and Eclipses for March 2007

Lunar Eclipse Full Moon, Saturday, March 3rd. This powerful lunation takes place in Virgo, along the nodal axis, and with the Sun conjunct Uranus in Pisces. The Sabian Symbol reads "A strong hand supplanting political hysteria," which Marc Edmond Jones calls "consistent effectiveness in dramatizing personal potentials." Uranus, bringer of new concepts and unexpected enlightenment, makes a productive pairing with this symbol. The Sun also resides at the Venus / Chiron midpoint at this time, with the Moon also aspecting these two energies, so that old wounds and relationship patterns from the long-dead past may come up at this time for transcending them.

Last Quarter Moon, Sunday, March 11th. This is traditionally the "crisis in consciousness" spoken about by Rudhyar, when the rubber meets the road and we must see what portion of the impulse that began the cycle three weeks ago can concretely be accomplished, and survive in the real world of countervailing and supporting influences. This moment can therefore represent a time of tension in our process of growth. Since Saturn is also emphasized at this time, opposing the remainder of the planets, it is also a time of limitation in general. Saturn also forms a grand trine with Jupiter and Venus in Aries, making for an interesting mix of energies, all stop and go. We will want to move forward, especially since Mercury is also moving in direct motion at this time, having stationed on the 7th, but we may have to hold back against our wishes. The SaturnNeptune opposition, now fading, is also powerfully constellated by the Quarter Moon at the 22nd degree of Sagittarius, conjunct Jupiter.

New Moon and Solar Eclipse, Sunday, March 18th. This is of course the potent energy of the New Moon, coupled with the eclipse emphasis, and takes place in 28 plus degrees of Pisces, exactly square Pluto. The effects of eclipses last for many months, and this one may be triggered again by the passage of Mars opposite this degree eight weeks from now around the time of the mid-May New Moon. There is obviously transformation in the air at this time, representing a springboard for action, just preceding as it does the Vernal Equinox. The Sabian Symbol is quite beautiful, "A prism." Marc Edmond Jones calls it "a symbol of the world's stability." Maybe we will make it after all.

At the Vernal Equinox on the 20th, two days later, as the Sun enters Aries to begin once again the cycle of the seasons, the Sun's ruler Mars resides at the Chiron/Neptune midpoint opposite Saturn. This brings once again the potential for change through effort of renouncing all that is buried away inside us, and toxic, and not really very good for us. May it be so!

The First Quarter Moon, Sunday, March 25th. Now Mars conjuncts Neptune, bringing compassion to the arc of development that is unfolding over the course of this monthly cycle. This is the time when the new shoot begins to emerge figuratively in our psyches as a result of the courage we have shown at the time of the New Moon just past. It may be a difficult emerging into manifestation, but if the impulse is consistent with our inner vision it is likely to be a viable birth.