Friday, October 28, 2005

Venus Conjunct Pluto

Venus is now crossing Pluto, the planet of personal transformation. When activated, Pluto can change your life... tearing down the old and replacing it with the new. Since Pluto is currently being stimulated by the Love Goddess, changes are possible in your love life. To avoid getting caught up in a Pluto whirlwind without clear vision, take a look at where you stand in your love life right now.

Single or partnered, we all have intense feelings about self-worth and relationships... which affect how we relate to others and can bring us to a crisis point.This is a good time to face what you are not getting, and what you are truly hungry for. "Now is the time to get serious about what you're missing in order to motivate yourself to make the changes necessary to start getting it."

Take advantage of Pluto's purifying energy to increase your capacities for intimacy. The first step is to identify and amplify your strengths... and then consciously eliminate patterns that could be keeping you from enjoying close relationships. To help in this, we have a special astrology report to help you get started. The Personal Birth Chart and Report was specifically designed to focus on the aspects of your birth chart that define your capacity to relate on a deeper level.


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