Tuesday, December 06, 2005

The Stars this Week 12/05/05 - 12/11/05

Dream big on the 7th, because as the Sun sextiles Neptune (the planet that defies boundaries), you're apt to go for ... just about anything! Mars returns to direct movement on the 9th, meaning that you'll finally start to see progress in those long-delayed plans and projects. And on the 10th, as Mercury sextiles Venus, those plans may well involve making a big purchase or carefully appraising a potential love interest.

December 7: Sun sextile Neptune

Dreams? Oh, yes. Big dreams -- and lots of them. The Sun is in Sagittarius, the sign that most loves doing it up ... and doing it up big. This energetic fireball is set to connect with Neptune, the planet that's responsible for all things dreamy, romantic and spiritual. Heaven help you if you're off to Vegas, because self-control will be out of the question. If you're homebound, feeling reckless and game for just about anything, don't beat yourself up about it. We're all feeling that way. Instead, get in touch with your favorite playmate and talk them into doing something just a tad bolder and more daring than either of you is used to.

December 9: Mars Stationary Direct

After more than two months in retrograde -- creating the illusion of moving backward -- assertive Mars is moving forward once again. Your lingering feelings of frustration? Those tasks that seem to keep rearing their little heads? Get ready to bid them farewell. The even better news is that you'll also be in an excellent position to make use of the powerful hindsight you've gained from Mars's retrograde journey. As it plays catch-up to get where it should be, the action planet is going to cover the same piece of sky it has already traveled twice. Get ready to pick up the ambitions and projects you've put aside lately and throw your newfound focus and precision their way. Full steam ahead!

December 10: Mercury sextile Venus

Shrewd appraisal of all things love and money is the order of the day when cerebral Mercury meets pleasure-loving Venus! If you've been considering a big purchase, or are ready to weigh a less tangible affair of the heart, there's no time like the present to make your move. You know what you want, and you can effortlessly weed out anything that simply doesn't fit the bill.

Want to know more? Go to najaramah.com


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