Monday, December 18, 2006

The Stars This Week - 12/18/06 - 12/24/06

There is intensity galore this week as powerful Pluto conjuncts the Sun on December 18 and also plays a prominent role in the Sagittarius new Moon on December 20. After all of that nomadic, fiery energy, things finally settle down for the Winter Solstice as the Sun enters earthy Capricorn on December 21 and it's time to get down to basics.

December 18: Sun conjuncts Pluto in Sagittarius

This is quite an intense conjunction and is prominent in the new Moon that occurs on December 20. You are prompted to let go of old beliefs and ideas that may have seemed quite valid up until now. This is a new cycle providing you with a fresh start. If you know your chart, look to see where this powerful conjunction takes place. That house is where your power base is, and if you don't get in the driver's seat, someone else may step in to take charge. So, if you want to be the director of your life, you'd better get in the director's chair!

December 20: New Moon in Sagittarius

The symbol for Sagittarius is the centaur, who shoots his arrow toward the stars and, when it lands, retrieves it to take aim once again. What are you aiming for? Where do you want to travel? Tune into your need for freedom, movement and exploration. Enthusiasm and an optimistic outlook will help you move beyond the familiar, which in turn will create success. On this journey, change your beliefs if necessary to reflect who you are now. Because Pluto sits right next to this new Moon, intensity and power issues are ratcheted up and you may feel that there is a lot at stake. Although this intensity can drive people to extremes, take a deep breath and let go of what you can't control. Beginning something during a new Moon gives energy and power to whatever you are striving for. This is the time to put extra energy and intention into whatever you want to grow or become stronger and more important in your life. The power of the new Moon phase is in effect until the full Moon.

December 21: The Sun enters Capricorn

What's your dream? Is it to get married or to get a promotion at work? Is your goal to write a book or make a contribution to world peace? As the Sun enters Capricorn and marks the Winter Solstice, we move from philosophical Sagittarius into ambitious and practical Capricorn. It's not enough to just travel and explore now. In this earthy sign, it's time to get down to business. There's a lot of drive and push in this cardinal sign, which is symbolized by a mountain goat who climbs that mountain one sure foot at a time. It's time for you to climb any mountain you want. Set your sights high.